Private Clinic Dr. Thomas Pauly – Manual Therapy (Chiropractic Therapy):
Dysfunctions of the spine and joints caused by blocks are treated with specific manual methods.
The human spine comprises 7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar vertebrae as well as the sacrum and the coccyx (tail bone).
Smaller facet (spinal) joints in particular develop blocks, which subsequently cause pain and other complaints. Such blocks are not only found on the spine where the facet joints connect the vertebrae and the intervertebral discs, but also in all other joints (ankles and wrist, tibiofibular joints, rib joints). They can be caused by unilateral strain, abnormal postures, falls, or internal disorders.
Once the acute block has been eliminated, further therapy, e.g. in the form of Strength and/or Vibration Training or Physical Therapy, is advisable to prevent a recurrence. Kraft- und/oder Vibrations-Training oder auch Krankengymnastik — sinnvoll, um Rückfällen vorzubeugen.
Active sports activities should be performed for further muscle building, because only muscles that are strong enough are capable of holding, supporting, and relieving the spine.
Together we will develop a training plan tailored to your needs, which you can implement at home or wherever and whenever you like in order to remain fit and pain-free.
The Private Orthopedics Practice Dr. Thomas Pauly is located at Königsallee 94 in Düsseldorf.
Office hours: You can reach us from Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm, as well as Saturdays as needed.
Phone: 0211 300 40 383
E-mail: clinic@dr-thomas-pauly.de.