Private Clinic Dr. Thomas Pauly – Sports Medicine:

As the former head of the Sport Medical Institute at the Alfried Krupp Hospital in Essen and as the team doctor of many years for a number of Bundesliga [national-league] clubs in soccer, handball, and ice hockey, I have specialized in the field of Sports Medicine at my Private Orthopedics Clinic Kö 94. Preventive and vitalizing procedures as well as restoring the patient’s performance are key methods for achieving therapeutic goals.

The Private Orthopedics Practice Dr. Thomas Pauly is located at Königsallee 94 in Düsseldorf.

Sie erreichen uns von Montag bis Freitag, 7.30 – 20.00 Uhr und bei Bedarf auch samstags.

Phone: 0211 300 40 383


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