Shockwave Therapy at Kö 94 – Shockwave Orthopedics:
Shockwave Therapy is scientifically proven effective for a wide range of disorders of the musculo-skeletal system. My treatment range includes in particular treatment for:
- calcific tendinitis (“calcified shoulders”): painful movement restrictions of the shoulder at the attachment of the tendon
- tennis/golfer’s elbow: painful irritation at the attachment of the tendon of the elbow
- pain in the hands: as seen in Dupuytren’s contracture and so-called knuckle pads (i.e., demarcated pad-like thickening over the extensor side of the knuckles)
- calcaneal spur (heel spur): usually chronic, painful inflammation on the heel bone
- achillodynia: usually inflammation-related changes of the Achilles tendon
- синдром верхушки надколенника: боль при нагрузке или воспаление околосуставной сумки в области вершины коленной чашечки
- greater trochanteric pain syndrome (often also known as trochanteric bursitis): painful irritation at the attachment of the tendon, close to the body on the lateral thigh
- pseudo-osteoarthritis: delayed healing of fractures (usually caused by traumatic or fatigue fractures during sports); their healing can be supported by Shockwave Therapy or brought about in the first place through Shockwave Therapy
- muscle tension (frequently also referred to as myogelosis, trigger-point or myofascial pain syndrome)
- fascial pain (muscle sheaths): the repairing stimuli specifically applied through Shockwave Therapy bring about relief and reorganization of the fascia and subsequently lead to excellent reduction of the pain.
- pelvic floor pain caused by unequal load distribution or overexertion of the muscles
Of course, as a patient, you will receive more detailed information for each pain indication.